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Employees in the laboratory

Brand world

Today, Queisser is the market leader in numerous segments. The subsidiaries abroad also contribute to the positive development. Queisser products are usually sold in pharmacies, drug stores, and food retailers. In addition to the European markets, Queisser is also active in the booming markets in the Middle East and Asia, and in China in particular.

Employees in the logistics area
In small order picking, it is possible to react flexibly to customer requests

Doppelherz is the company's best-known brand. Developed in 1919, the Doppelherz range includes over 320 products in 14 areas of application.

Trust and appreciation, always courageous decision-making, and constant readiness to change shape our corporate culture.

Axel Kaempfe & Erich Nobis
Managing Directors Queisser Pharma

The Chinese love Doppelherz

Doppelherz has been experiencing a sales boom in China since around 2015, especially among young consumers. Manuel Neuer and the Chinese actress Qin Lan acted as brand ambassadors. In addition to Doppelherz and Protefix, Queisser also stands for brands such as Stozzon, Litozin, and Tiger Balm.

Storage hall
Queisser has had a logistics center with a fully automated high-bay warehouse since 2019.

Lots of ambition when it comes to environmental protection

Queisser Pharma wants to produce even more environmentally friendly in the future. By switching from plastic to recycled cardboard for displays, the pharmaceutical manufacturer was recently able to save 18 tons of plastic waste. Packaging in plastic blisters has also been switched to cardboard boxes. In this way, another 600 kilograms of plastic per year can be avoided.

Further investments

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